“What would the book of Acts look like in our day? It would look a lot like this documentary. I was not prepared for how much it would stir my soul and stretch my faith. Do your soul a favor and watch it today!”
“Very moving and convicting. Praise God for the thousands of quiet servants doing miraculous, Christ-exalting work all over the world. This one glimpse could I believe be multiplied a thousand-fold around the world. Lord make us hospitable here and now.”
“It will make your heart burst to watch the hands and feet of Christ serving the outcasts in Athens! May we all follow their lead as we respond to the strangers, orphaned, widowed, hungry, and thirsty among us.”
“I struggle to find words for the impact this documentary has had on my heart. It is a glorious testimony to the sovereignty and saving grace of our great God. In the midst of almost inconceivable devastation, poverty, cruelty, and exploitation, God is moving among refugees and Muslims to make known to them the forgiveness and hope that is found only in Jesus. Miracles abound. Muslims meet Jesus in dreams and visions. Devoted Christians turn from the comforts of western society and devote themselves to proclaiming the gospel and teaching the Word of God among the tens of thousands of refugees. Your heart will be broken, stirred, and powerfully renewed by this film. Praise God for his amazing grace!”
“As a middle-class American with a full-time job, a faithful church, and a busy family, I often feel guilty for not knowing more about what is happening with gospel needs around the world. For those, like me, who aren’t able to take short-term missions trips in this season of life, the next best thing might be a viewing of the new documentary, Jesus in Athens. Narrated by the indefatigable mission mobilizer Darren Carlson, this film takes you behind-the-scenes of the refugee crisis in Athens to show how Christians have shown hospitality to Muslim migrants and how the Lord has called many of these migrants to himself. I suspect you will finish your viewing of this film both sobered and encouraged, further stirred to petitionary prayer and gospel care.”
“This powerful documentary weaves together tales of rescue, boldness, and hope to show how God is drawing many refugees into His wonderful Kingdom. It’s inspiring to witness Christians caring for people who – on the surface – are very different from them. I’m more convinced than ever that God is building His Church and using His people to accomplish His purposes! As the narrator states so clearly near the end of Jesus in Athens, ‘It’s the love of God and the love of Christians that draw Muslims to Jesus Christ.’”
“The global refugee ‘crisis’ could very well be reframed as the refugee opportunity. This massive movement of souls represents a profound opportunity for the church in the West to relearn and practice the gracious hospitality of Jesus Christ. This film vividly portrays to profound power of the refugee opportunity that lies before us, if we are obedient.”
“Why do church attendance and baptism rates continue to fall in the West? Maybe God is finding more hunger for the gospel message elsewhere. Among such places are refugee centers in Greece, where hundreds of thousands of displaced persons – many of them Muslim – languish. This film traces multiple examples of Christian believers in and around Athens who are reaching out with compassion, meals, living facilities, transportation services – and the gospel message. Some of the Christian workers are Greek; many hail from Asia or the US or the UK; some are converts from Islam committed to taking the gospel to their Muslim brethren.
If you have a heart for the lost in virtually unreachable Muslim regions like Afghanistan, Iran, and Syria, see this film to learn how political chaos is resulting in a gospel harvest. If you lack a missions zeal or think Muslims are unreachable, may this film stir your soul, maybe change your life direction, and give you a glimpse of Jesus “showing up” and exerting his transforming Lordship in unexpected places and dramatic ways.”
“Jesus in Athens is a powerful, faith-building, and at times heart-breaking account of how He uses ordinary believers in times of crisis to bear His love and glory to the nations. Watch it and be inspired!”
“Dreams and visions of the risen Jesus calling people to himself, extraordinary hospitality bestowed upon and received from migrants and the displaced, a rejection of fears of others and deep friendship between Christians and people of other faiths, growing house churches baptizing new believers – all of this sounds like the growth of the church in the first-century but the description fits just as well for the work that the living Jesus is doing in Athens. Watch this powerful documentary to learn how God is at work in Athens and to be encouraged and challenged to find ways to share in God’s mission to draw all people to himself.”
“How moving and encouraging! I gained good perspective on the overall refugee situation but also felt strong connection to individuals and their stories. This documentary weaves together biblical instruction with the power of story in a compelling way. Wonderful!”
“Jesus in Athens superbly depicts that God is moving powerfully among people who are on the move. This film is sure to inspire you to see how God is working among today’s refugees and challenge you to get involved with displaced people everywhere.”
“In the midst of a global refugee crisis, many people throughout the world fear that those seeking refuge in their countries could be a threat. For followers of Jesus, though, the arrival of refugees actually presents a remarkable missional opportunity – if we have the eyes to see it. Jesus in Athens will help to open your eyes to the stories of Christians of diverse backgrounds who are showing the love of Christ to desperate, vulnerable people seeking safety in Europe. Watch it and be inspired to look for opportunities to emulate this Christ-like love in your own community.”
“This documentary is eye-opening and edifying. Darren Carlson, who for his PhD dissertation studied how Christians are serving refugees in Athens, is a reliable guide.”
“Darren Carlson has turned his doctoral research into a lively visual presentation of the realities of migrant life in Athens. His interviews with leaders of migrant Christian communities are finely edited to show the amazing impact of the gospel on Afghan and Iranian Muslims in the context of their flight from war and personal danger.”